E63 AMG Weistec in for Power Recovery and Custom Exhaust
Powerloss, Boosleaks, Vacuum Leaks, Electric Cutouts .
Mercedes-Benz Weistec E63 AMG
The Black Beast as we like to call it checked in for custom exhaust work and check up. The customer reported the car wasn’t performing at its best and felt power loss throughout gear range. Immediately we checked for the most common problems turbocharged engine face, a boost leak! We encountered numerous small boost leaks as well as vacuum leaks. We strapped the Mercedes E63 AMG to the dyno before and after repair to calculate power loss the leaks have caused. We also customized the exhaust by installing Electronic Cut outs
-What is Boost Leak?
A boost leak means that somewhere in the turbo or intake, there is an area where the air (boost) is escaping. Typically a boost leak is caused by a loose or bad seal, cracked housing, bad or old hoses, clamps. When a boost leak is present, the turbo will be able to generate boost, but it may not be able to hold it at a constant level and pressure will drop off proportionally to the size of the leak.
-What is Vacuum Leak?
A vacuum leak can affect engine performance and may cause a rough idle, hesitation on acceleration, misfiring, and poor fuel economy. A vacuum leak is caused by a loose or bad seal, cracked housing, bad or old hoses, clamps.
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